Hello Anthony,

On Wed, 29 Mar 2017 08:51:50 -0500
Anthony Eden <anthony.e...@dnsimple.com> wrote:

> https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/draft-dnsop-eden-alias-rr-type/
> This draft describes the ALIAS/ANAME record (aka CNAME-flattening)
> that numerous vendors and DNS providers are now supporting in
> proprietary fashions. I hope that this draft will eventually lead to a
> good mechanism for interop of ALIAS/ANAME records.

First off, thank you for this. I would love to hear from current implementors 
of ALIAS/ANAME/CNAME-flattening what their ideas/critisisms are.

This said, I have several comments after a first quick read of the document.

There is no mention of the fact that ALIAS is mostly meant for zone apexes 
where other records MUST be present and a CNAME cannot exist. CNAMEs would 
cover non-apex usecases for ALIAS.

I miss guidance what should happen when an ALIAS record is queried directly 
(would it be returned, should it be refused, should it be an empty response?).

I miss words on the interaction between ALIAS records and other (mostly A and 
AAAA) records on the same node.

Section 3.1

"The server will respond with one or more A records", I fail to see why this 
cannot be zero or more. Am ALIAS target without A or AAAA records should yield 
an empty response from the authoritative server.

"If the recursive query returns an NXDOMAIN response, then the authoritative 
name server MUST return an NXDOMAIN response as well.". If any other records 
exist (which is always the case for the apex), or if there are labels 
underneath the ALIAS'es name, the authoritative server cannot send out NXDOMAIN.

Section 3.3

This section has 2 similar paragraphs, one with should and the other with MUST.

Asking directly for a CNAME for a node that only has an ALIAS record should 
yield a response indicating that RRType does not exist at that node.

Again, thank you for starting this draft. I support adoption of this draft in 
the dnsop WG to facilitate better interop between ALIAS/ANAME/CNAME-flattening 

Best regards,


Pieter Lexis
PowerDNS.COM BV -- https://www.powerdns.com

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