The INT Area Director who oversees the homenet WG, Terry Manderson, has asked
DNSOP participants to review
<https://www.ietf.org/id/draft-ietf-homenet-dot-03.txt>, "Special Use Top Level
Domain '.homenet’”, with the following aspects in mind:
1) in terms of RFC6761
2) in terms of the _operational_ position of an unsigned entry in the root zone
as requested in this document, to break the chain of trust for local DNS
resolution of .homenet names.
This document is the product of the homenet WG, which has asked the IESG to
approve it for publication, so our comments are strictly advisory to the IESG.
There was some discussion of the draft on this list shortly after it appeared,
in November 2016, but it’s always the AD’s prerogative to ask for additional
Suzanne & Tim
DNSOP mailing list