There are two reasons for splitting out the VRF 1) It is a useful building block
2) The intersection between the people who really understand the VRF math and really understand DNS is very small I think most DNSOps folk will want to treat VRF as a black box and let the crypto folk put what they think is right in it and many of the people we need to review the VRF are not going to want a lesson on DNS or NSEC5 use of it. On Tue, Mar 7, 2017 at 10:29 AM, Shumon Huque <> wrote: > Hi folks, > > We've requested an agenda slot at the DNSOP working group meeting at > IETF98 to talk about the NSEC5 protocol. Our chairs have requested that > we send out a note to the group ahead of time, so here it is. > > This protocol has not to our knowledge been presented at dnsop before, > but has been discussed previously at other IETF venues, such as SAAG. > > Sharon Goldberg has recently presented NSEC5 to good reception at > the following venues: > > 1) Real World Crypto conference, New York (Jan 2017) > 2) IETF Boston Hub Meetup (Feb 2017) > 3) DNS Privacy Workshop at NDSS'17 (Feb 2017) > > The latest NSEC5 protocol now supports elliptic curve cryptography, > and uses verifiable random functions. The protocol has been implemented, > and we have good performance results to share. > > There is a research paper, with many more details: > > > > The current draft for the NSEC5 spec is here: > > > > Some IETF security folk have recommended that we split out the VRF > construction (currently described in the draft's appendix) into a > separate draft, as it may be useful to other IETF protocols. We think > that's a good idea and are working on it - we hope to have updated > drafts before the IETF98 draft cutoff deadline. > > Hope to chat in person at IETF, and/or on the list. > > Shumon, Sharon, Dimitris, Jan, and Dave. > > > _______________________________________________ > DNSOP mailing list > > > >
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