The reason I ask is that the document proposes /not/ to use DNS to resolve
it, which I think is correct. So it really doesn't sound like a dnsop
issue. It's sounds like an intarea issue, or else keep it in sunset4.

Additionally, the root zone will respond to queries for localhost with a
secure denial of existence.   This means that it is literally an error to
look up "localhost" with DNS--you will get a failure instead of an IPv4 or
IPv6 address.   I don't see any particular harm in having this reviewed in
DNSOP, but I hope it doesn't take too long.

On Nov 17, 2016 13:04, "Dan York" <> wrote:

> Ted,
> > On Nov 17, 2016, at 12:46 PM, Ted Lemon <> wrote:
> >
> > Just to play the devil's advocate here, what does this have to do with
> DNS?
> From the abstract:
>    This document updates RFC6761 by requiring that the domain
>    "localhost." and any names falling within ".localhost." resolve to
>    loopback addresses.  This would allow other specifications to join
>    regular users in drawing the common-sense conclusions that
>    "localhost" means "localhost", and doesn't resolve to somewhere else
>    on the network.
> It's an update to RFC 6761 and all about resolution of "localhost".
> To me that seems like a DNS issue... and since we already have a heap of
> open issues with 6761, this would seem to be one more thing to consider.
> I should mention that Terry Manderson (INT AD) and Joel Jaeggli (OPS AD)
> were both in the SUNSET4 room and agreed they would have a discussion about
> which WG this document should live in. Both agreed that DNSOP should at
> least definitely look at it.
> Peter Koch and I both recommended from the mic that it be brought to DNSOP
> (which I guess I then did by posting it here).
> Peter also mentioned that there was a long history with the resolution
> around "localhost" and that this topic had been discussed at length
> multiple times. (I took it that he was not saying it should NOT be brought
> up again, but rather that the authors should be aware that it had a good
> bit of history.)
> Dan
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