> On 1 Nov 2016, at 08:12, Jerry Lundström <je...@dns-oarc.net> wrote:
> Hi Sara,
> On 10/31/16 18:22, Sara Dickinson wrote:
>> https://github.com/dns-stats/draft-dns-capture-format 
>> <https://github.com/dns-stats/draft-dns-capture-format>

Hi Jerry, 

Thanks for the comments and the detailed review. 

> An overall question, did you consider a CBOR extension tag (which does
> not require a RFC)?

Good question - not really at this stage but it something that could be 
considered (particularly if this draft moves towards adoption). 

My understanding of tags is that they are a useful convenience for labelling 
data items but not a necessity. 

> The "file type id" content is not specified but in the CDDL it says
> "DNS-STAT", if any should it not be "C-DNS” ?

Yes, good spot :-)  Agreed it should be C-DNS if anything. 

> "format version" exists but there is no indication which format this is.

Implicitly version 0, but will make this explicit in the next version. 

> Description of "Block statistics" is missing.

Yup - will also add in next version. Here is a quick summary

total-packets                   - Total packets received in the stream
total-pairs                        - Total number of matched DNS Q/R pairs 
written to the C-DNS file
unmatched_queries        - Unmatched DNS queries  written to the C-DNS file
unmatched_responses   - Unmatched DNS queries  written to the C-DNS file
malformed-packets         - Malformed DNS packets
non-dns-packets             - Non-DNS packets in the packet stream
out-of-order-packets       - Number of packets delivered out of order from the 
capture library
missing-pairs                  - Number or matched DNS Q/R pairs collected, but 
not written to C-DNS file
missing-packets             - Number or received packets in the stream not 
written as PCAP
missing-non-dns             - Number or malformed/non-DNS packets in the stream 
not written as PCAP

out-of-order-packets - this is a count of the number of times that a packet is 
received from the capture library where the timestamp on the packet is less 
than the timestamp on the previously received packet. There is a world of 
intrigue here when you go digging into the details of how/why this can happen….

The last 3 are somewhat application specific (all are optional). They are so 
that a collecting application can signal issues with overload where it was not 
able to output all the packets received in the the stream during the collection 
window for some reason. Such a collecting application could, for example, write 
out the malformed/non-DNS packets in PCAP format for later processing in 
parallel to writing the C-DNS data. 

> "Timestamp" in "Block preamble map" is limited to microseconds, maybe
> add that each element within the array after the first is a /million to
> also allow nano/pico?

That seems reasonable, if it can be done in a flexible way where the additional 
resolution is only written when needed (i.e when not 0) so as to not increase 
file size unnecessarily. 

> Same goes for "time-useconds" and "delay-useconds", maybe allow them to
> have a mixed type to either specify microseconds or a "Timestamp" offset
> (as array with [seconds,micro,pico...]).
> About malformed and other data in the stream, would it not be possible
> to add optional "unrecognized-data" byte string to the appropriate
> objects and let the implementation decide?  This could also include padding.

We do want to come up with some mechanism to represent the malformed DNS 
packets where possible. That is one option to look at. 

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