Hi Sara,

On 10/31/16 18:22, Sara Dickinson wrote:
> https://github.com/dns-stats/draft-dns-capture-format

An overall question, did you consider a CBOR extension tag (which does
not require a RFC)?

The "file type id" content is not specified but in the CDDL it says
"DNS-STAT", if any should it not be "C-DNS" ?

"format version" exists but there is no indication which format this is.

Description of "Block statistics" is missing.

"Timestamp" in "Block preamble map" is limited to microseconds, maybe
add that each element within the array after the first is a /million to
also allow nano/pico?

Same goes for "time-useconds" and "delay-useconds", maybe allow them to
have a mixed type to either specify microseconds or a "Timestamp" offset
(as array with [seconds,micro,pico...]).

About malformed and other data in the stream, would it not be possible
to add optional "unrecognized-data" byte string to the appropriate
objects and let the implementation decide?  This could also include padding.


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