On Tue, Sep 27, 2016 at 07:28:57PM +0000,
 White, Andrew <andrew.whi...@charter.com> wrote 
 a message of 284 lines which said:

> True. When a resolver gets an NXDOMAIN for, say x.example.com, would
> it better to say the resolver SHOULD drop from cache all descendents
> of x.example.com, or MAY?

The current state of the draft is "approved by IESG". Which means
that, unless a serious bug is discovered, it will be published as a
RFC with only editorial changes (by the RFC editor). I don't think it
is a good idea to reopen a discussion which triggered aleady many

> It may be computationally expensive to search cache to remove cached
> NXDOMAIN responses below x.example.com, and I see no harm in letting
> those cached entries expire as their TTL runs out.

Which is exactly what the draft is saying:

   But if a resolver has cached data under the NXDOMAIN cut, it MAY
   continue to send it as a reply (until the TTL of this cached data
   expires), since this may avoid additional processing when a query is
   received.  Section 6 provides more information about this.

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