On Wed, Apr 6, 2016 at 5:07 PM, Alain Durand <alain.dur...@icann.org> wrote:
> Reading section 4.2 and 4.3 of draft-tldr-sutld-ps-00, it would appear you
> are in the camp that does believe those “special names” are immune those
> socio-economic pressures and/or the IETF can deal with this. Do I get this
> right?

I too believe this is implicit in what ted wrote.

> If that is the case, then, it is not that one document is better than the
> other, there is a  fundamental difference between the perspectives of the
> authors.

this too I agree with.

It seems to me that there is a substantive issue which has to be
documented as "problem"

Is the IETF actually the right SDO to define a label which has to be
added to a zone which the IETF gave substantive control over, to
another (non-SDO) body?

I think that the socio-legal issues which vest inside ICANN cannot be
ignored simply because of a technical need/merit argument. Especially
when the technology claims a specific label, not just the concept of a
reservation for an otherwise unstated label.

> It should follow that this is a non technical issue that is much larger than
> DNSop wg.  As such, the DNSop wg might want to refrain from adopting one or
> the other document until the IETF, as a community, under the leadership of
> the IAB, comes to an agreement on that fundamental question. After all, the
> interpretation of RFC2860 (ICANN/IETF MoU) is the prerogative of the IAB.

And it would come as little surprise that this too,  I concur with.

I like Ted's document. I liked it a lot. But without recognition of
this question of "who decides" I think as a document specifying the
problem statement, its incomplete.

For me, it is simply not a "given" that the IETF is the right place to
determine labels in the top zone.



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