> From: Shane Kerr <sh...@time-travellers.org>
>> Last week, Kato and I submitted -03 version of
>> draft-fujiwara-dnsop-nsec-aggressiveuse draft. It improved the
>> structure of the document for readability and made minor corrections
>> but essential idea has not been changed.
> Thank you for this work. I hope that it goes forward.
> The latest draft seems to have spent a lot of time covering NSEC3 more
> clearly.


> My main question is... are there any missing pieces that you know of? It
> seems pretty complete to me, although I have not implemented it so I
> can't really say.

(Implementation of NSEC3 aggressive negative caching is missing.)
(I would like to implement NSEC3 version)

> If there are not missing pieces, are there controversial parts?

There are some controversial parts.

  - Aggressive negative caching itself
  - The CD bit
If these parts will be agreed, I would like to go ahead.


Kazunori Fujiwara, JPRS <fujiw...@jprs.co.jp>

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