In message <>, Suzanne Woolf writ
> The no-response draft has a similar issue IMO, in that it's quite
> prescriptive about what a certain set of players (TLD operators) should
> do about identified problems, and silent on advice to anyone else
> (registrars who have customer relationships with domain owners, DNS
> hosting operators, DNS implementers,...
> .)

We could just add this:

+      <t>
+       Nothing in this section precludes others testing servers
+       for protocol compliance.  DNS operators should test their
+       servers to ensure that their vendors have shipped protocol
+       compliant products.  Nameserver vendors can use these tests
+       as a part of this release processes.  Registrants can use
+       these tests to check their DNS operators servers.
+      </t>

Mark Andrews, ISC
1 Seymour St., Dundas Valley, NSW 2117, Australia
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