On 1/7/16 6:52 AM, Stephen Farrell wrote:
> Hi Sara,
> On 07/01/16 10:54, sara wrote:
>>> On 6 Jan 2016, at 21:58, Stephen Farrell
>>> <stephen.farr...@cs.tcd.ie> wrote:
>>> Hiya,
>>>> Speaking for myself I don’t see this as the solution to managing
>>>> DTLS sessions, I think that would be better handled with a TLS
>>>> extension.
>>> Yes, that's the obvious answer, and a not bad answer. Did the dnsop
>>> WG (or dprive) consider the issue already?
>> It is a good question, but it wan't explicitly discussed AFAIK.
> Okey-dokey, I'll ask Joel how he prefers to handle this on the
> call today and go with whatever he recommends.

oh goodie, happy to discussion, definitely not the arbiter of taste.

>>>>> - 3.3.2:
>>> Oops:-) Typo there sorry, the one that puzzled me is at the end of
>>> 3.2.2 where it says " This holds true even if a previous 
>>> edns-keepalive-option exchange occurred on the existing TCP 
>>> connection."
>> Ah, this is to do with the semantics of EDNS0 exchanges. It just
>> clarifies that if the server chooses not to send the option in this
>> scenario it is effectively equivalent to the server sending a 0
>> timeout (indicating it does not want to continue with keepalive) even
>> it if previously indicated it supported it.
> Ah grand, I get it now. I think the way you've explained it above
> is clearer for me anyway, so maybe consider saying it that way if
> you do any more changes.
> Cheers,
> S.
>> Sara.
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