Op 6 nov. 2015, om 08:46 heeft Ralf Weber <d...@fl1ger.de> het volgende 

> Really TLDs doing repeated checks? I know some do when you
> register domains, but repeatedly? Examples?

.nl f.e.
Registrars get a monthly report on DNS errors with a score of how they 
technicaly compete to their competitors.
In addition to that, they get sent a feed of validation errors for DNSSEC for 
the domains under their control.
.nl managed to get validation errors down that way to improve DNSSEC adoption 
on resolvers.
See https://www.sidnlabs.nl/a/weblog/de-dnssec-validatiemonitor (in dutch, 
google translate is your friend)

- --
Antoin Verschuren

Tweevoren 6, 5672 SB Nuenen, NL
M: +31 6 37682392

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