Ed's document is not about DNS but about names. That is actually the whole 
point. So, IMHO, it should not be redirected to a wg that needs better 
understanding of DNS but to a wg that needs better understanding of names...
I could also argue that this argument also applies to the discussion on  issues 
around 6761. There is little DNS specific there, let alone DNS operational...


On Nov 3, 2015, at 4:40 PM, Tim WIcinski 
<tjw.i...@gmail.com<mailto:tjw.i...@gmail.com>> wrote:

I spoke to Ed this morning during breakfast, and we discussed his draft.  I do 
like this as a well written read through the history of namespace and domains, 
but I feel (and I think Ed even would agree) this is not so much a DNSOP 
document, but something that should be in an area where they need a better 
understanding of DNS (*cough* appsawg *cough*).

How does the working group think of this?


On 10/30/15 8:23 PM, Edward Lewis wrote:

A while back I floated a draft across this mail list and got (what I
think) is sufficient (perhaps not the right word) feedback from the WG.  I
updated the document and resubmitted.  FWIW, this is the document link:

I'm not even asking for comment on the list (but you can if you want).
When I rev'd the document, I didn't mention it on this list (until now).

What I'm asking for is - when in Yokohama, if you have an interest in this
I'm willing to discuss.

The issue in the document is both internal to DNS and external to DNS, I'm
looking for broader input (such as applications area topics).


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