> On Aug 31, 2015, at 5:11 PM, joel jaeggli <joe...@bogus.com> wrote:
> On 8/31/15 1:04 PM, Alissa Cooper wrote:
>> I agree with Alvaro and Stephen's comments. In particular, to my eye
>> [tor-rendezvous] should be a normative reference given item #3 in Section
>> 2. However, it seems more important to publish this document than to
>> re-issue the last call to call out a new downref.
> I'm not sure that I  agree that  this would require a downref were it
> cited normatively. the citation is to a document maintained by the third
> party not to a informational draft describing the specification that is
> maintained by the third party. the tor project protocol specific meets
> some reasonable definitions of an open standard.

Fair enough. I mentioned this only because I explicitly do not think this 
document needs to be last-called again.

> That said this document is not a protocol specification, it is a
> resource reservation which was my rational for allowing this to be
> treated this as informational references. The requirement to specify dns
> protocol behavior with respect to a resource is a requirement of the
> 6761 resource reservation and it might well be a reason to cite that
> (which is cited already) but the current reference is essentially to the
> expectations of the protocol (tor) whereas the requirement is imposed on
> non(tor protocol) actors by the 6761 reservation.

Hmm, this sounds a little like wanting to have it both ways. I understand where 
the language came from, but the upshot of it is an implementation requirement 
on resolvers. I mean, if one way of meeting the MUST requirement is to 
implement what is specified in [tor-rendezvous], doesn’t that make 
[tor-rendezvous] precisely meet the definition of a normative reference?

On the other hand, I don’t see anything in 6761 that says the answers to the 
questions need to be normatively specified. So maybe the text for #3 would make 
more sense if it is said "Resolvers that do not respond to requests for .onion 
names by resolving them according to [tor-rendezvous] MUST respond with 


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