On 8/31/15 1:04 PM, Alissa Cooper wrote:

> I agree with Alvaro and Stephen's comments. In particular, to my eye
> [tor-rendezvous] should be a normative reference given item #3 in Section
> 2. However, it seems more important to publish this document than to
> re-issue the last call to call out a new downref.

I'm not sure that I  agree that  this would require a downref were it
cited normatively. the citation is to a document maintained by the third
party not to a informational draft describing the specification that is
maintained by the third party. the tor project protocol specific meets
some reasonable definitions of an open standard.

That said this document is not a protocol specification, it is a
resource reservation which was my rational for allowing this to be
treated this as informational references. The requirement to specify dns
protocol behavior with respect to a resource is a requirement of the
6761 resource reservation and it might well be a reason to cite that
(which is cited already) but the current reference is essentially to the
expectations of the protocol (tor) whereas the requirement is imposed on
non(tor protocol) actors by the 6761 reservation.

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