> valid point, however with respect to 6761 the onion namespace
> substantially predates the existence of 6761 or the consensus documented
> there so I don't think the what if scenario is particularly helpful

Indeed, and Stephen pointed that out to me privately as well.  That
was a mistake in my response to Stephen -- I blew that part.

Remember, here, that I'm abstaining *not* because I don't want this
request to be honored, but because requesting these special TLDs in
this manner doesn't scale.  The .onion request was originally bundled
with half a dozen others, and was split from it for a reason.  As we
start to process the other requests, there has to be a line in the
sand.  Having everyone who has deployed some non-IETF thing that turns
out to need a TLD reservation ask us to please intervene and reserve
it for them isn't, I think, what 6761 was meant for, and doesn't
scale.  That's really the issue for me.

In any case, my abstaining doesn't have any direct effect on this
document.  I accept that there's IETF consensus for doing this.  By
abstaining, I'm simply saying that I can't ballot "no objection", but
that I won't stand in the way of rough consensus.  I do think it's
best that we not belabor this further.  As the other ballots come in,
we'll almost certainly approve this document, and, given the
importance of Tor, that will be for the best.


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