
I'm pretty sure I'll be a yes ballot on this (after I re-read the
draft which I've not read for quite a while). And I don't expect
either of us to change our ballot, but that said, I hope you don't
mind explaining your ballot a little more since I'm not getting part
of your argument and that part could be relevant if/when other special
use name drafts are processed. (Or if/when someone tries to win the
race and first improve IETF handling of special-use names.)

On 21/08/15 19:37, Barry Leiba wrote:
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> I believe the IETF shouldn't be involved with registering special-use
> TLDs for things that have been squatted on, and thus helping to
> circumvent ICANN's normal process.  

The above confuses me.

Do ICANN have any process for allocating special-use names that will
not be used in the DNS? I am not aware of such but it may exist. I
am also not at all clear that I'd accept that ICANN ought be in that
particular business.

Note: I am not saying what I think of, not asking what you think of,
ICANNs new gTLD programme, but for the sake of this discussion, let's
assume that programme is "normal";-) But that process is surely not
one that could be used for special-use names that are required by
protocols that require not using those names in DNS queries.

Secondly, I don't get what you are saying you think about current IETF
consensus (i.e. RFC 6761). Are you saying that:

a) you don't agree with 6761? or
b) that 6761 is fine but only for not-yet-deployed special-use names?

If (a) I'm not sure that's our (IESG) role, and (b) seems highly
unlikely to be workable (if one assumes an I-D has to wend its way
through the process the special-use name will be deployed before IESG
evaluation). So maybe you mean something else?

> I know there are a bunch of other
> such TLDs that people/organizations would have us snag for them, and I
> very much want to avoid that nasty iceberg, of which this is the tip.

That's why I'm asking my questions above - I do think there's more work
to be done here amounting to some combination of improving 6761 and
figuring out how to properly handle the other queued-up strings.

In passing I have to say that I don't agree there's been nasty snaggy
squatting on the tip of any iceberg, (sounds painful that:-) And in a
pot-calls-kettle-black moment, I'm not sure that kind of language is
guaranteed to help us resolve what is a tricky issue in a very tricky
environment. But I guess crossing the streams of an anonymity overlay
and DN$ was never going to end up very pretty;-)

> That said, I well understand the deployed code involved and the
> importance of keeping things working in this case, and I don't want to
> stand in the way.  So I'm standing aside with an "Abstain" ballot.

Given what I think is your position, abstaining seems like the
right action to take.

I think you are quite correct that standing in the way here would
have bad consequences.



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