John R Levine wrote:
> But here's the two options:
> A) registry says "ONION.ALT exists, see http://someplace and/or
> http://someplace_else";, you say hm, two different packages, I better
> look at both of them to see which one is installed on my computer.
> B) registry says "ONION.ALT exists, see http://someplace";, you look at
> it and scratch your head when you realize it's not what's on your
> computer so you go do a Google search and eventually find
> http://someplace_else.
> There is no C), since we don't control what software people write.

i believe we have some influence. if someone chooses to use the .ALT (or
.EXTERNAL or whatever) notation for their application even though they
can't get the unique 2LD they want, then i'll predict that their users
will hate them, and that this won't be our problem.

> I don't understand why B) would be better for anyone.

B is better for the first came first served; better for their users; and
better for the IETF.

Paul Vixie

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