On Wed, Jun 17, 2015 at 12:38:22PM +0900, Masataka Ohta wrote:
> > What I'm asking is how the octet sequences provided by the URI RR RFC
> The RFC does not provide the octet sequences. Zone files do.

This is indeed correct. We can ignore what characters are in the URI and
just stuff them in the packet, it doesn't matter.

The question does remain how we encode them in a zone file. And indeed, this
is perhaps somewhat 'implementation defined', but that sucks roundly. 

As an example, this URL:


This has a Unicode checkmark after utf8=.

How do we encode this in a zonefile? The checkmark is Unicode 0x2713, but
encoded as UTF-8 it is 0xe2 0x9c 0x93, or 226 156 147.

Should this therefore end up in a zonefile as
"http://dotabuff.com/search?utf8=\226\156\147&q=PPD"; (or the PowerDNS
database, or the Lua plugin content field etc).

This would make the most sense to me, but it would be great to have

At least if the RFC does not specify it, we should pick something. 


has an RFC7553 implementation in
https://github.com/ahupowerdns/pdns/tree/rfc7553 by te way.


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