Masataka Ohta wrote:
> Robert Edmonds wrote:
> > This is the *en*coding of characters in a zone file into wire
> > data octets.
> I'm afraid you are totally confused.

Actually, I don't really see how zone files are relevant to my question.

> > How should a receiver decode the wire data octets?
> Into a zone file? Or?

The URI RR RFC says that URI RRs store octet sequences that represent
URIs, and says that URIs are specified in the URI RFC (3986).

The URI RFC defines URIs in terms of codepoints that are "based on the
US-ASCII coded character set".

What I'm asking is how the octet sequences provided by the URI RR RFC
are decoded into the sequences of URI characters used by the URI RFC.
Is there a generic way to do this, or does it depend on the specific
protocol (e.g., HTTP), or is it left up to the application?

Robert Edmonds

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