On 4/2/15, 17:27, "Andrew Sullivan" <a...@anvilwalrusden.com> wrote:

>On Thu, Apr 02, 2015 at 04:26:41PM -0400, Bob Harold wrote:
>> I always thought of "primary" and "secondary" as the "old" terms used in
>> the BIND 4 manual, with "master" and "slave" as the new terms in the
>>BIND 8
>> or 9 manuals.
>I think the thing is you can have multiple masters, but for years
>people referred to one of them as the "primary master" i.e. the one
>you _actually_ changed before changing everything else.
>I guess that has faded over time.

I was going to reply with something snippy on this thread, but then
reading STD 13 and RFC 5936 (AXFR) I noted that
primary/master/secondary/slave are barely mentioned at all.  Hmmmmm.
FWIW, I recall once firmly believing it was master and slave, with
"slaving a zone" being "a verb."

So I am unsure where the terms came from or how "legitimate" they are.
They certainly aren't very precise.  And as Andrew mentions, I recall
"primary master" but also the term being joked about being self-redundant.

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