Another foray into Special Use Domain Names for consideration.

On 3/6/15, 15:10, "" <>

>Name:          draft-lewis-user-assigned-tlds
>Revision:      00
>Title:         User Assigned ISO 3166-1 Alpha-2 Codes and the DNS Root Zone
>Document date: 2015-03-09
>Group:         Individual Submission
>Pages:         6
>The practice governing the delegation of ASCII two-letter domain names in
>the DNS root zone is to follow the ISO 3166-1 standard?s alpha 2 codes.
>This standard is maintained by the ISO 3166 Maintenance Agency.  Contained
>within the gamut of ISO 3166-1 alpha 2 codes is a set of values designated
>as User Assigned.  This document recommends that values designated as user
>assigned be reserved from delegation in the root zone.  A specific range
>these codes is assigned expressly for private-use.

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