On Sat, 28 Feb 2015, Paul Vixie wrote:
counter-productive behaviour.
nothing. the people at verisign are smart, constructive, and have their
shoulders to the same wheels as the rest of us.
I don't doubt they are smart and work hard. I wasn't stating otherwise.
incentive compensation linked to the number of patent filings an
employee is responsible for.
Trying to get a pay raise at the expense of the IETF community is not
behaviour I would want to condone.
and thus making the whole internet less safe (because most
IETF WG's will refuse to standardize something where royalties must be
paid), they'll do the right thing.
I don't see their legal department's IPR answer containing language that
states that. Instead it says "it's too early to see if we would charge
you for your^Wour invention".
Does the "right thing" include dropping patents we point out are clearly
marred by prior art? Does the "right thing" include ensuring common
sense protocol extensions or updates are available to the entire
community royalty free? The IPR disclosure allows them to state exactly
what their intend is long before they are rewarded with a patent.
please, everybody, don't point fingers and shout "rent seeking
behaviour!" when the actual facts are more nuanced and the track record
of these companies is good. see here, for example:
The recent track record of Verisign actually is not good. They are
flailing patent applications.
Let's pick https://datatracker.ietf.org/ipr/1924/ which is now over 2
years old and is still waiting for an update on their intended license
My company also financially encourages patents for their (defensive)
portfolio. I have not filed any patents and have no desire to do
so. While I did point out that "prior art" published in an RFC serves
a similar goal to a "defensive patent", I haven't convinced them yet to
hand out financial rewards for RFCs s I've written. That still does not
cause me to write patents for obvious software "inventions" that we
would like to see attain broad deployment for the betterment of the
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