On 2/24/15 12:28 PM, Andrew Sullivan wrote:
> On Tue, Feb 24, 2015 at 12:06:06PM -0800, Joel Jaeggli wrote:
>> Should we consider recommendations with respect to treatment of logging or 
>> storage of queries or the extent to which such queries should be protected? 
> IMO, No.  The text as it stands says, "This could result in logs."
> There are lots of operational reasons to log, and the fact that your
> leaking queries could result in information about your system being
> made public is a reason _not to leak_ in the first place.  That has
> nothing to do with operating AS112, which is infrastructure to sink
> traffic that never should have made it to the Net in the first place.

Ok thanks, this echos my assumptions , but I don't consider myself an
arbiter to taste, at least absence of validation.

> Best regards,
> A

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