Working group, 

I would direct your attention to the current discuss, here:

Should we consider recommendations with respect to treatment of logging or 
storage of queries or the extent to which such queries should be protected? 


Sent from my iPhone

> On Feb 23, 2015, at 08:25, Kathleen Moriarty 
> <> wrote:
>> On Mon, Feb 23, 2015 at 10:21 AM, Paul Hoffman <> wrote:
>> On Feb 23, 2015, at 7:13 AM, Kathleen Moriarty 
>> <> wrote:
>> > Thanks for bringing this to my attention.  The updated text points out the 
>> > risk, but it would have been nice seeing it phrased in a way to encourage 
>> > mitigation of that risk (recommend not to log).  It'd easier to attack a 
>> > system and gain access to logs than to observe session traffic.
>> AS112 operators do so for the public benefit. There are very good 
>> operational reasons why they *should* log, in order to help find bugs and to 
>> provide better service. You are asking that the very tiny chance of a 
>> privacy breach should trump that operational benefit.
> As an FYI - I wouldn't put this in the privacy bucket, but rather security as 
> it reveals information about a network that could be used in future attacks 
> against the organization leaking their data. 
>> The mention of the privacy issue with logging is sufficient, and going 
>> further would have negative consequences to the operations of this service.
> Mitigating the risks could be helpful and might mean protecting access to 
> logs in cases where logs must be generated. 
> Thanks,
> Kathleen
>> --Paul Hoffman
> -- 
> Best regards,
> Kathleen
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