> Paul Hoffman <mailto:paul.hoff...@vpnc.org>
> Friday, February 06, 2015 9:25 AM
> History: some registries still think that DNSSEC is a new experiment
> and don't want to spend the effort to support it until it is "real".

perhaps the apparent need for negative trust anchors has bolstered the
sense that DNSSEC is still experimental. or perhaps it's the fact that
after 19 years of development, the protocol still isn't finished and no
application depends on DNSSEC or behaves differently in the presence of
> Risk: a registry saying that it will update DS records in a timely
> fashion is a cost with no perceived benefit to the registry.

if i were a registrar that's the position i'd take, until i saw
counter-risk of customer migration away from me. because as of this
moment, DNSSEC adds risk and cost always, benefit never. we can't make
that not-so by wishing or pretending otherwise, or by ignoring the facts
as they clearly are.

note: i'm not a hater. i want DANE, and other DNSSEC-enabled
applications. i think we need DNSSEC. i'm just incredibly sympathetic to
anyone who says it's not here yet and that it demonstrates very little

see also:

Paul Vixie
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