I would be asking anyone who says VerifyReverseMapping on by default,
and VerifyHostKeyDNS
likewise, should justify their position.

Because the collective wisdom I'm seeing here is that its a false benefit,
and considering what SSH is, and what it seeks to do its rather sad to be
driven down a street which adds little (or nothing) and prevents beneficial

I agree its pushing back on razor wire, but maybe thats a 'take one for the
team' moment. If I knew the people I'd be pushing too. If I find I do know
people in this space, I will be.

On Wed, Nov 12, 2014 at 11:21 AM, Paul Ebersman <list-dn...@dragon.net>

> paul> Actually, distros try to use a dir.d/*.conf type structure these
> paul> days for exactly this reason. It allows base options that are
> paul> untouched to be upgraded even if there are custom user
> paul> options. openssn is one of those that unfortunately does not
> paul> support that.
> Thanks for the correction/clarification.
> paul> Distros tend to stick to upstream options. So for example if you
> paul> want this changed in fedora/rhel, you will need to talk to openssh
> paul> because according to their man page (for openssh-6.4p1-5):
> paul>      UseDNS Specifies whether sshd(8) should look up the remote
> paul>      host name and check that the resolved host name for the
> paul>      remote IP address maps back to the very same IP address.  The
> paul>      default is "yes".
> paul> ps. if you talk to them, please also get them to change the
> paul> default for VerifyHostKeyDNS= to "ask".
> I can ask...
> But I'm also finding various "best practice" websites recommending
> turning on VerifyReverseMapping.
> Seeing shades of augean stables...
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