On Nov 10, 2014, at 8:32 AM, Paul Ebersman <list-dn...@dragon.net> wrote:
> IPv6 is still in early adoption for broad general use and we don't know
> what plans folks have for requiring PTRs.

I apologize for picking and choosing from your response, but I think this sums 
it up perfectly: if we do not yet know what plans they have, then we need not 
care.   There is currently no support in any infrastructure of which I am aware 
for populating the reverse tree in IPv6 for customer IP addresses.   Lots of 
customers are using IPv6, and are not having issues.   It is indeed early days, 
but Comcast's deployment, and other deployments of which I am aware, are seeing 
real use by real users.

So if e.g. Comcast were coming to us right now and saying "we're getting a lot 
of phone calls because of foo," then we could talk about foo.   But that's not 
happening, as far as I can tell.   IOW, you are borrowing trouble.

Please don't borrow trouble.   At present we do not need to clean up the IPv6 
reverse tree.   If we say anything about the reverse tree, it should be with 
the goal in mind of preserving that pleasant status quo.

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