On 9/07/2014 5:17 am, "David Conrad" <d...@virtualized.org> wrote:

>On Jul 8, 2014, at 9:17 AM, Joe Abley <jab...@hopcount.ca> wrote:
>> Perhaps a way forward here is to reign in the current effort and
>>constrain it to the best way of using a local copy of the root zone on a
>>resolver today, with no protocol or specification changes to resolvers.
>>Once we've identified the best such configuration and have identified
>>any operational concerns with it, we will be in a much better position
>>to consider changes to the resolver spec and/or new root zone
>>distribution mechanisms to make it better.
>Perhaps two drafts, one as Joe describes above.  The second, perhaps
>being Experimental, discussing thoughts on resolver modifications or
>novel zone distribution mechanisms?

That works for me, I think there is a natural inheritance there that will
certainly help scope the problem statement and the requirements of the
second document, so please do "A" and then work on "B" as Joe suggests.


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