On May 28, 2014, at 8:23 AM, Ted Lemon <ted.le...@nominum.com> wrote:

> So not to put too fine a point on it, but where is the use case for this 
> proposal?   It seems like something that is more of someone's cool hack than 
> a standard people ought to implement.   What am I missing?
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I was wondering about that as well. 
Then I started thinking about the bigger picture. 

In the beginning we had in the zone file 
        RR’s: SOA NS   ==> loaded into memory 
        Comments:  text ==> not loaded into memory 
        Directives: $ORIGIN, $TTL …. ==> affect how the RR’s are named
Then we got Macros:  
        $INCLUDE  ===> read this new file s
        $GENERATE ==> creates lots of records that are similar 

Then we got comments that guide tools :  “; Active …."

Now we are getting request for persistent comments that are not exposed, and 
only transferred to “connecting adults” 
i think this is normal evolution, but doing this without looking at the whole 
picture is which includes the RR type code space
there we have 
        normal RR’s  1-127, 256-61439
        meta RR’s: 128-255
        Undefined: 61400-65279
        Private Use: 65280-65279 

At this point I can not  make up my mind if NOTE should be a Meta Type or we 
cave up the Undefined space to create a block for Note like
records, as we can not assume there will not be an application for more in the 
future (lets call this: COMMENT TYPES for now )

For example I can see many of the “comments that guide tools” becoming a type 
like NOTE, thus enabling for example 
signing on the fly by by secondaries. 

For this reason the “Flag/Option” defined to express understanding should cover 
them all. 
The only ways to do that in a sane way are: 
        List all “comment types you know about” 
    or create a range for comment types. 

Thus the decision on flag vs option depends allocation policy for this comment 
type and future ones. 

(Sorry Evan for creating an even higher bar for your document but simple useful 
hacks like this sometimes have consequences 
that flood of new ideas come out) 


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