Saku Ytti <> wrote:

> Any opinions on SVCINFO. I was really big fan of SRV until I read the
> draft, it made really compelling arguments to me.

It doesn't provide indirection, and it piles potentially-unrelated SVCINFO
records on to the same QNAME. It would be better to prefix the QNAME with
_service (e.g. _http) and provide target hostname, protocol, and port
information in the RDATA.

> Goal should be that 1 query returns all the information client needs to decide
> how it wants to connect to service, SVCINFO delivers this.

SVCINFO still requires concurrent A and AAAA queries.

> If we had had SVINFO (or even SRV) for years, we'd likely have less BGP bloat,

I don't see how it does anything to reduce the need for anycast.

f.anthony.n.finch  <>
Fisher, German Bight: South or southeast, backing east for a time, 4 or 5,
occasionally 6. Slight or moderate. Thundery showers, fog patches. Moderate or
poor, occasionally very poor.

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