On May 7, 2014, at 11:53 PM, Danny McPherson <da...@tcb.net> wrote:

> On May 7, 2014, at 1:13 PM, Suzanne Woolf <suzworldw...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> This sounds to me like a) support for working on edns-client-subnet (and 
>> possibly things like it in the future), with b) a resulting RFC as 
>> "Informational".
>> I've found this discussion very helpful in solidifying the thoughts Tim 
>> already wrote about, particularly with regards to carrying out our new 
>> charter. Thank you all.
> I support publication of this “stupid DNS trick” as an RFC .. of some sort, 
> particularly given the breath of deployment.  That said, I’ve seen some of 
> the warts and am sympathetic to Paul’s aging architectural concerns and I 
> think some review from the abundance of DNS experts here will likely serve it 
> well :-)

Fully agreed.

> As for the publication track here, or any other [E]DNS extensions similar 
> application, whether deemed unorthodox or unfashionable, I don’t think there 
> should be blanket discretion and edict by the chairs, we have processes that 
> say what can be published on Experimental, Informational, or Standards Track, 

Ah, sorry. Was trying to reflect what the discussion was saying, not impose an 
“edict”. It seemed like a reasonable starting position.

Do you disagree? If so I’ll hope you’ll say what you think on the subject….

> Then again, perhaps DNSOP is not the place to document deployed and 
> operational DNS stuff and we should revive DNSEXT to discussed operationally 
> deployed DNS stuff, particularly given the charter discussions as of late.  
> Or, um..


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