On Apr 3, 2014, at 17:39, Suzanne Woolf <suzworldw...@gmail.com> wrote:

> 6. Publish documents that attempt to better define the overlapping
>   area among the public DNS root, DNS-like names as used in local or 
> restricted
>   naming scopes, and the 'special names' registry that IETF
>   manages, and how they will interact moving forward.  Work in a
>   liaison capacity to ICANN to assist in this.

I’m going to cherry-pick on this one as it is already causing comments.

The generic need is:

Derive a means by which the DNS name space can accommodate limited-scope names, 
and publish documents describing the solution.

I realize that this topic has come up in the context of having both the IETF 
and ICANN independently decide what is delegated in the root zone operated by 
IANA.  I propose to recast the problem as defining the concept of “scoping” 
names - to take this squarely into where the IETF expertise is - engineering 
the protocol.  And by “propose” I mean just that, perhaps “scoping” isn’t the 
word to use.

I’m not saying “scoping” is a sure fire winner.  In fact, I bet there’s a 
disaster in that based on past experience and based on the tools we have.
- Locally scoped (“site-local”) IPv6 addresses are, err, were dead-on-arrival 
(RFC 3879 killed them and 4007 commented, 3513 had proposed them).
- The DNS lacks “autonomous system numbers” which can help a router know when 
not forward an advertisement for prefixes representing so-called “RFC 1918” 
- And the DNS protocol doesn’t have the notion of a “link” - for link-local.

But, as for charter language, there is a need to come up with a way to manage 
the scope of names.  For instance, I want to have my LAN users go to 
printer01.corp and treat that as a domain name fully in application software 
yet never once see a query for printer01.corp leave my organization’s virtual 
LAN (which might be a few sites around the globe).  I am not saying it is easy 
or fits in the model of the DNS, but there is a user constituency that has 
stated “a requirement” for it.

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