
On 28 Jan 2014, at 21:54, John Levine <> wrote:
> On my home network I have a couple of dozen hosts, what with all the
> networked printers, phones, tablets, laptops, and so forth, and
> because I am a lazy guy, I give them names like kindle.lan rather than
> longer global names.  My local DNS cache resolves those names to
> addresses in 192.168/16.  I think that's pretty typical of small
> business networks.  It's useful, but I don't see anything worth
> standardizing other than don't resolve .LAN on the global Internet.
Where shall this stop? How about .LOKALESNETZWERK (german for .LAN). 
How many domains do we want to treat special? I know this draft only
asks for 8, but some of them are on ICANNs application list.

You setup clearly does something the global DNS namespace was not
intended to do and while I know that this is very common (I worked
in companies that used .companyname) it is not intended to be used
in the global DNS namespace. So the results what happens to this
queries is undefined. That is your problem. We should not make
it (although we already did in some way) make it Internet community

I also don't think there are risks in delegation these other than
the applicants will get lots of traffic. If devices get an record
back or NXDomain doesn't matter in most cases. We already have seen 
that. We have ISPs  or hotels do NXDomain redirection and some do
it not very intelligent (the redirect every query). While we have
lots of reports that this is bad the world has not fallen over. 
People moved along.

So long

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