On Tue, Dec 03, 2013 at 11:00:04AM -0800,
 David Conrad <d...@virtualized.org> wrote 
 a message of 79 lines which said:

> If it isn't a DNS thing, then why is there a discussion of the
> allocation of top-level _domains_?  

Because domain names and DNS are two different things. Domain names is
a syntax and rules for registration. DNS is a protocol to find data
from domain names. Domain names can be resolved with other protocols:
HOSTS.TXT, LDAP, new-and-shiny-DHT, and many others.

> If these applications aren't making use of the DNS, then why does
> anyone care if they use something that looks like a domain name?

It does not look like a domain name, it is a domain
name. suw74isz7wqzpmgu.onion is a domain name, just like virtualized.org.

> The issue here is that they are, in fact, using the DNS in the sense
> that they are using applications that expect to query a local DNS
> stub resolver 

No, no, no. Few applications query " a local DNS stub resolver" (dig
is an exception). Most applications query a local name resolution
service, through a library routine such as getaddrinfo. Unknown to the
application, this name resolution service contracts to various
resolution protocols, defined by the programmer and sometimes by the
system administrator.

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