On 12/3/13, 9:08 AM, Stephane Bortzmeyer wrote:
> On Mon, Dec 02, 2013 at 11:00:30AM -0500,
>  Joe Abley <jab...@hopcount.ca> wrote 
>  a message of 20 lines which said:
>> Saying that using a non-IN class is a non-starter seems about as
>> silly 
> There have been an ITU project to use classes (UN instead of IN?) to
> have different namespaces, probably to have the new spaces managed by
> the ITU. The project was named Net4d (Web site seems down now).
> AFAIK, the project did not even attempt to actually test (at least in
> in the lab) that it was feasible to use other classes. Knowing what
> we know about the ossification of the Internet and the DNS, there are
> very good reasons to be pessimistic.

using a new class for a greenfield seems somewhat different then
expecting it to work across the population of internet resolvers that
are already deployed.

> If we want actual testing of the ability to run non-IN classes, I
> accept donations in bitcoins to do so in my lab :-) But, anyway, you
> have very little chance of convincing any developer to spend time in
> this direction, which is clearly dead.
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