On Nov 6, 2013, at 10:55 AM, Tim Wicinski <tim.wicin...@teamaol.com> wrote:

> (I will speak only as myself for the moment )
> I am in solid agreement that we need to move these documents forward. In 
> Berlin, we sent back Wes, Warren and Olafur to resolve their differences, 
> merge them (if possible) and present the various options. I've think they've 
> done that and don't it admirably.  I believe that we should call for adoption 
> on these two documents:
>     http://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-kumari-ogud-dnsop-cds-05
>     http://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-hardaker-dnsop-csync-01
> As it was said, "Adoption does not mean it will get published."   All the 
> authors agree with this.  I also feel that their is enough consensus to move 
> on these. 
> With Mark Andrew's document:
>     draft-andrews-dnsop-update-parent-zones-00

So a question I have here with respect to conversations between authors that 
I’ve heard…

is the model more appropiate if the zone and corresponding number of updates is 
very large?

> I agree with Dan here that we need some more time to see how this will work.  
> A functional example perhaps or some more time and more eyeballs on it.  I 
> can see where both this and Wes's documents can work for different 
> organizations.  I don't think we're far enough along to pick A vs B but we 
> are far enough along to adopt and move forward. 
> Personally, I've been following dnsop and dnsext for many years. One thing 
> I've felt is the turgid pace of document flow. I feel that we need to move 
> things forward or decide why not and send them back.  One of the things I 
> want to do as co-chair is "step up the pace."  From talking with folks on the 
> committee, I have gotten the feedback this is needed. (If you think 
> otherwise, please reach out to me directly).   
> I serve at the whim of the AD, and to serve the community, and until my body 
> is found in a dumpster, I'm working in a more forward direction. 
> tim
> On 11/6/13 5:49 AM, Dan York wrote:
>> Peter & Tim,
>> Unfortunately we ran out of time in the DNSOP session yesterday and I don't 
>> feel we left with a plan to move forward on the various 
>> "parent-child-update" documents and scenarios.  However I think it is 
>> *critical* that we DO move forward with these documents as this issue is one 
>> of the big barriers for smoother operation of DNSSEC.
>> I think there was a strong sense in the room that we definitely need to work 
>> on this overall issue and I think at the end we were getting hung up on some 
>> process points (and I admit that *I* was contributing to that confusion)... 
>> and then we simply ran out of time.
>> What do you see as a path forward here?  How can we progress these documents?
>> The point I was trying to make in the final minutes was that we need 
>> something *more* than just these documents to help get these solutions 
>> actually out there and deployed.  I think we need to provide operational 
>> guidance to registrars and registries on the different mechanisms for 
>> updating these type of DNS records and explain the options that we have 
>> available.  We need to make it easy for them to understand how the 
>> mechanisms fit together and can be used in different situations.
>> But I think that kind of document can be written separately from moving the 
>> other documents forward (and yes, I'm willing to help with text and not just 
>> say that "someone" should write a doc).
>> I don't see why we can't adopt the CDS/CDNSKEY and CSYNC drafts as working 
>> group documents and continue to move them along - we've had significant 
>> discussion on these over the past several meetings and also on the lists:
>> http://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-kumari-ogud-dnsop-cds-05
>> http://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-hardaker-dnsop-csync-01
>> Similarly, I think Mark's draft could be another one to consider adopting 
>> for situations where people want to operate the push-style model:
>> http://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-andrews-dnsop-update-parent-zones-00
>> I think we need some more discussion on that document before we adopt it (I 
>> haven't seen any on the list, or did I miss it?) but I don't see any issue 
>> with ALSO having a document like it as a working group document.  There will 
>> be multiple models for different situations.
>> Additionally, I think Paul's document on use cases is one that we should be 
>> bringing back into circulation (thanks, Matthijs, for the pointer after Paul 
>> mentioned it yesterday):
>> http://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-wouters-dnsop-secure-update-use-cases-00
>> Anyway - I think we do need to move this whole area of work forward as 
>> rapidly as we can.  
>> My 2 cents,
>> Dan
>> --
>> Dan York, dan-i...@danyork.org
>> http://danyork.me   http://twitter.com/danyork
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