On 24/09/12 14:18, Stephen Morris wrote:

> We'd like to make a final decision no later than 12:00 UTC Tuesday 
> 2 October, so please help by posting your thoughts to the list 
> before then.

The bulk of discussion on the list since the last meeting has been:

* Comments on the key timing last call
* Discussion on 4641bis and DPS framework documents

An evaluation of the last call comments on key timing is pending.
4641bis and DPS framework are both with the IESG, and we will post a
report on their progress to the list.

Although we held on beyond 2 October before making a final decision,
there was no response to our original email and little discussion
beyond the topics above.  Your chairs reached the conclusion that
there was little demand for a face to face meeting, therefore decided
to cancel the slot we had provisionally secured.

Stephen and Peter
DNSOP mailing list

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