On Apr 13, 2012, at 6:02 PM, Patrik Fältström wrote:

> On 13 apr 2012, at 23:43, Nicholas Weaver wrote:
>> Likewise, comcast being blamed for...
> Because (1) they seem to be the only large resolver operator that do 
> validation(?) and (2) people like us on this list try to work out end runs 
> around the standards we created instead of helping Comcast.
> Yes, I blame myself personally there as well for not doing enough. I was 
> working hard when we deployed DNSSEC in Sweden to counter attack all such 
> arguments in the press that you refer to, and I thought, naively, that as we 
> managed to go through those issues, other people would as well.
> But as I said in an earlier message, maybe we where lucky in Sweden that all 
> major ISPs did deploy validation at the same time. In the US it seems to be 
> Comcast only(?).
> What would have happened if AT&T and Comcast and Verizon started validation 
> basically the same week?

Yes, but AT&T, Verizon, Cox, BestWeb, RR, TW, etc are currently *not* doing 
validation, and currently don't have much in the way of incentives to start -- 
yes, NASA was an unusual event, but what was the standard advice that kept 
popping up on twitter / forums / fb, etc?
"Change your resolver to be and the problem is fixed" -- now, I'm all 
for folk changing to use Google's resolvers, but to avoid validation isn't the 
right reason…

Yes, NTAs suck and have some really bad security implications, but I believe 
that the alternative is worse. Without a way for validating resolver operators 
to avoid users jumping ship to non-validation resolver operators we delay 
adoption (imo significantly) and users are at a much larger risk for a much 
longer time.

Once most ISPs are performing validation there should be fewer screwups, and 
NTAs should be almost never needed -- but until we get to that point I think 
that they are needed, and the net security wins outweigh the costs…


[ Written on a plane, will send when I land. The conversation may have moved on 
since then… ] 

> Now of course we can not turn back clock, but I think still "we give up too 
> early" if we go down this path.
> That is my reason for a +1.
> Now I will go to sleep. It is Friday, and I feel I am hijacking this thread. 
> Violating principles of IETF lists I like myself.
> More people should say what they want to say.
>   Patrik
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