On Apr 4, 2012, at 8:41 AM, Joe Abley wrote:

> On 2012-04-04, at 08:20, William F. Maton Sotomayor wrote:
>>      It seems that after delivering my presentation on subsequent AS112 
>> delegations in Quebec City, I hadn't recalled what the group thought about 
>> adopting this work as a dnsop item. So, I'm soliciting feedback on this 
>> request.  I have posted version 03 for your consideration.
> I think that we need a better mechanism to avoid lame delegations to the 
> AS112 servers, given their loosely-coordinated nature. The add/drop problem 
> for those servers (the difficulty in requesting zone changes across from a 
> potentially wide and unknown population of server administrators, and being 
> effectively unable to measure whether those changes are complete) is a 
> fundamental weakness in the 112 project as it is operated today.
> I like the idea that came up in Québec (which I shall attribute to Warren 
> Kumari since I've seen other people do that, although I was not in the room 
> at the time) that the add/drop problem is a lot simpler if every AS112 node 
> hosts the zone

Yah, guilty as charged, although you may be thinking that I had thought this 
through more / wasn't just spouting the first thing that came into ma heid...

>  $ORIGIN .
>  @ SOA ...
>    NS something
>    NS sensible
> and answers authoritatively on the addresses corresponding to "something" and 
> "sensible", returning NXDOMAIN for everything in the entire namespace apart 
> from . (for which they ought never receive queries anyway). This is ugly to 
> some eyes, but it works for domainers and it ought to work for us too. Any 
> zones that were subsequently delegated to "something" and "sensible" (e.g. as 
> part of an IANA action) would be immediately supported with no need for 
> changes on any of the nodes offering service for "something" and "sensible".

And after some though I posted this on the as112 list: 

A number of the operators seemed supportive (and I'm fairly sure I threatened 
to write it up as a draft but then got sidetracked)...

> Given the installed base of AS112 servers, and again given their 
> loosely-coordinated nature, I would suggest assigning one new IPv4 /24 and 
> one new IPv6 /48 prefix, with both "something" and "special" getting one 
> address out of each. We could then encourage AS112 operators to host the 
> empty root zone on nameserver listening to the appropriate addresses, 
> originating the new prefixes from AS 112, using the mailing list and 
> associated resources mainly managed by William.
> Once by some measure the new prefixes are propagating and nameservers are 
> answering, we could redelegate the zones currently delegated to 
> blackhole-1.iana.org and blackhole-2.iana.org to the new servers, and retire 
> I think renumbering is worthwhile since we have no way of measuring the 
> extent to which AS112 servers are actually deployed (e.g. there may be many 
> deployed for private use inside ASes that we can't easily see.) Enough public 
> AS112 server operators are responsive on William's list that I don't see a 
> problem in getting sufficient buy-in to a new scheme such as this to make it 
> viable quickly, however.
> I think the work to be done in dnsop could be summarised as:
> - update RFC 6304 and 6305 as necessary
> - write something that cleans up and unifies the various registries that 
> currently contain RFC 6303-like names, with appropriate IANA actions 
> (ipv4-cull contains some references in section 2, see also 
> draft-cheshire-dnsext-special-names) 
> - write something that provides guidance for future document authors on when 
> they should specify an IANA action to add a new zone to the grand unified 
> as112 registry and cause a delegation to "something" and "sensible" to happen.
> This document (as112-cull) attempts to do some of this work, but I don't see 
> a reason to bite off small mouthfuls if we can expend a small amount of extra 
> effort and eat the whole sandwich at once.
> I am very happy to spend time on this.

Me too. This seems both interesting *and* useful...


> Joe
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