A New Internet-Draft is available from the on-line Internet-Drafts directories. 
This draft is a work item of the Domain Name System Operations Working Group of 
the IETF.

        Title           : DNSSEC Policy & Practice Statement Framework
        Author(s)       : Fredrik Ljunggren
                          Anne-Marie Eklund Lowinder
                          Tomofumi Okubo
        Filename        : draft-ietf-dnsop-dnssec-dps-framework-07.txt
        Pages           : 28
        Date            : 2012-03-08

   This document presents a framework to assist writers of DNSSEC Policy
   and Practice Statements such as Domain Managers and Zone Operators on
   both the top-level and secondary level, who is managing and operating
   a DNS zone with Security Extensions (DNSSEC) implemented.

   In particular, the framework provides a comprehensive list of topics
   that should be considered for inclusion into a DNSSEC Policy
   definition and Practice Statement.

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