xun...@isi.edu wrote:

> One result of that work is that we think additional information
> would make anycast dianosis much easier---

How can it be made much easier?

All the anycast servers should have unicast addresses to be
used for zone transfer, which can be used for most, if not all,

So, what diagnosis, are you considering, becomes possible
only by your proposal?

Also, I'm afraid a fantastic idea of "anycast node" of
RFC4892 is a result of broken specification of IPv6 anycast
(yes, IPv6 is broken in several ways), which assumes there
should be more than one anycast servers sharing an anycast
address on a link. Anyway, we can't discuss anything
meaningful about "anycast node", because its definition
is too fuzzy.

As the terminology is very confusing with "node" of domain
tree and "node" of IPv6, the entire idea of "anycast node"
should better be silently ignored.

                                                Masataka Ohta
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