On 2011-04-20, at 17:50, George Barwood wrote:

> The arguments for  operating with a split still seem very weak to me.

Since you're proposing a SHOULD NOT, I think the pertinent point is (a) whether 
it does any harm, and (b) whether it is useful in some circumstances.

I have seen no discussion of any harm, and several examples of why it might be 

Hence, to me, SHOULD NOT does not seem appropriate.

> However rolling the KSK should be easy, since it is good security practice to 
> change
> secret keys regularly.

The first clause seems like a rampant generalisation, and the second is 
contentious (see ekr's various comments on this list regarding the 
cryptographic benefit of rolling non-compromised RSA keys).

> Fully automatic updates of the parent DS RRset would make this technique more 
> practical.

Given that there is no sign of such a mechanism in general, and (in my opinion) 
there's at least one significant use case where any such mechanism is unlikely 
to be deployed (the root zone), I don't see a lot of practical value in that 
comment, either.

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