On Nov 21, 2010, at 11:27 AM, Andrew Sullivan wrote:
> No, iris has not been widely deployed.

The only folks I'm aware of who have deployed IRIS are DENIC and they only 
deployed DCHK.

> My point is that if there were some reason to have this data available in a 
> convenient machine readable format, then iris would already be deployed.

Unless the idea of deploying a new, untested, and quite heavyweight solution 
discouraged people from actually doing so.

> That there's no uptake seems to me to be an indication that registries don't 
> want additional costs.

Always true. 

> So they won't sign up to expand their dns operation costs for these purposes 
> either. 

They would if it allows them to reduce costs.  I'm told that the query load on 
whois servers is non-trivial even today.  And then there is the fact that whois 
doesn't really deal very well with internationalization...


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