Op vrijdag 15-10-2010 om 10:46 uur [tijdzone +0200], schreef Fredrik
> On 2010-10-14, at 18:08, Antoin Verschuren wrote:
> > The dns-operator is needed for a number of registry processes where a
> > change of dns-operator for the authoritative nameservers for a child
> > zone happen. This MAY be (but not necessarily):
> > -domain transfers (changing registrar)
> > -domain hand-overs (changing registrant)
> > -nameserver changes
> > -turning DNSSEC on/off
> As I see it, this is the sole responsibility of the registrar, having 
> outsourced the DNS operator function or not.

And here you make the famous error of mixing up the model with praxis,
that is if you didn't make a typing error and really meant registrANT.

It's the registrant that is the owner of the zone data, and if he
outsources to a third party dns-operator, he remains responsible for his
zone data. He needs to realize this when outsourcing to a 3th party
dns-operator, and that is why I want to define what a dns-operator's
role is.

The fact that in practice the registrant often outsources his
dns-operations to the same entity that also functions as registrar does
not change the model.

The problem is that there is an administrative contractual relationship
between the registry and the registrar what administrative procedures
are concerned, but there is no relationship between the registry and the
registrar in it's function as 3th party dns-operator. That relationship
is purely a bilateral agreement between the registrar and registrant,
with no influence in terms of policy from the registry on that
relationship. That is because the registrant is free to run his own
dns-operations or outsource to a completely different 3th party
dns-operator, not being a registrar.

Antoin Verschuren

Technical Policy Advisor SIDN
Utrechtseweg 310, PO Box 5022, 6802 EA Arnhem, The Netherlands

P: +31 26 3525500  F: +31 26 3525505  M: +31 6 23368970
mailto:antoin.verschu...@sidn.nl  xmpp:ant...@jabber.sidn.nl

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