On 2010-10-14, at 18:08, Antoin Verschuren wrote:

> The dns-operator is needed for a number of registry processes where a
> change of dns-operator for the authoritative nameservers for a child
> zone happen. This MAY be (but not necessarily):
> -domain transfers (changing registrar)
> -domain hand-overs (changing registrant)
> -nameserver changes
> -turning DNSSEC on/off

As I see it, this is the sole responsibility of the registrar, having 
outsourced the DNS operator function or not.

> To be able to state what a registrant should do, and how things work, we
> cannot do without defining what a registrant can outsource to a
> dns-operator, and what a registrant should be aware of when entering in
> such a bilateral contract with a dns-operator. What contractual
> responsibilities he transfers when he does not control the zone himself.

Walking down that path, it seems to me we can define an infinite number of 
parties under section 1.3, and we can't really do that in the framework. I 
suggest we either strike 1.3.1 -> 1.3.6 from the outline in section 5 all 
together, and leave that to the discretion of the DPS author, or just leave it 
as it is with the general roles from the registry-registrar-registrant model.

I'm leaning towards striking them out, but I'd like to hear what others have to 

-- Fredrik

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