On 1 okt 2010, at 20.59, Tony Finch wrote:

> On Fri, 1 Oct 2010, Joe Abley wrote:
>> On 2010-10-01, at 06:58, Tony Finch wrote:
>>> What is the purpose of the historical information in the XML TA file?
>> Debugging, context, historical record.
> Right, so it's aimed at human consumption rather than automatic tools?

Given the historical information (together with old DNSKEY), you could build a 
trust anchor history zone.

> How much do you intend automated tools to use the trust anchor publication
> web site? And which of the files that are published there?

I know of at least one vendor that has started to implement support to base 
trust anchor fallback on the information in the TA repository. As soon as their 
code and ideas are mature enough, I hope they'll share their thoughts.


Jakob Schlyter
Kirei AB - www.kirei.se

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