At 6:32 PM +0000 1/25/10, Francis Dupont wrote:
> In your previous mail you wrote:
>So the real problems are:
> - a good draft
> - some consensus
> - IETF publication delays
>IMHO we should ask Russ to nominate a cryptographer (or himself)
>to re-initiate the process from the first step: a good draft
>(here good is sound from a crypto point of view, easy to implement
>(I already explained what I meant by this) and without a zillion
>different options (what I believe was the problem of previous attempts)).

That might be draft-hoffman-dnssec-ecdsa. I let it expire earlier this month 
because the DNSEXT WG is still not clear on the allowable statuses for crypto 
documents, but have today revived it based on your comment.

If you don't consider this to be "a good draft", I am quite open to suggestions 
for improvement!

--Paul Hoffman, Director
--VPN Consortium
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