I see no need for any TLD to check that ISC has picked up records
from the ITAR for the DLV registry.  What I do see is a need to
formalise the timing parameters involved an ensure that all parties
involved are aware of them.  That way if a party is too slow or if
a party is too fast we know who to blame.  At the moment there is
wishy washy language which doesn't help anyone do the right thing

IANA still has not provided timing guidance.

IANA can you please specifiy a maximum polling interval on this
page and inform the TLD's using ITAR of what it is.  A minimum
polling interval would also be useful but is not crucial.


As a reminder, the trust anchor repository is temporary. It will
be decommissioned once the root zone is signed. Any software
configured to use it should be configured to continue to work when
this event happens. You should also ensure you have procedures in
place to keep the trust anchors up to date as the ITAR will regularly
add and remove keys.

Mark Andrews, ISC
1 Seymour St., Dundas Valley, NSW 2117, Australia
PHONE: +61 2 9871 4742                 INTERNET: ma...@isc.org
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