On 2009-09-11, at 15:03, joao damas wrote:
and you would be right do so, IMHO. the fact that dlv.isc.org didn't
pick up the .pr key is an issue that rest entirely with ISC (then
again, we are all learning operational practices in this DNSSEC
business at this time)
(to pick a message more or less at random to respond to)
Is there an implication from the presence of this thread on this list
(a) general, non-wg, operational matters are on-topic for this list, or
(b) this is a support channel for the ITAR, or ISC's DLV, or the .PR
I can see that some feedback about novel operational problems relating
to DNSSEC are useful to raise since they might stimulate a desire to
work on documents. But the current state of the thread has me
scratching my head a bit. Perhaps I just need to get a life.
My $0.02 Canadian, on a rainy Friday afternoon.
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